
Okay.. so my first point of call.. 
Me and poppy are working together.. thought a collaboration of our skills would make our work awesome. 
We want to work with one of our own 3rd year fashion designers.
We thought by doing this we would have a fresh plate with them and can just basically do whatever we want.
Noone would of done anything with them.. so its ours to play with.
We have picked a girl called Laura Latham. Her work is really cool. I wasnt sure if i would like it at first because its sort of the opposite to me and what I like. She's really girly. But its a really great contrast.. between feminine and dark themes. 
She has looked into ANATOMY and the human body.. shes combined a contrast between the two. So she has elements of hard and soft fabrics representing flesh and bone. Which I really liked. 
She's used alot of fabric manipulation.. twists and wrapping etc. from looking at the muscles and how they intertwine.
The colours shes used are also based on the body, shes used nude colours but also wanted to brighten it up abit from the nude and has used purples and raspberry colours but these have come from bruises etc from the skin.
Her work is basically a massive contrast. Firstly from her personality..which is girly and feminine and then from the body.. the fabrics she has used and the themes.


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