
Santogold - The creator.

Lykke Li


LookBook- Over and Over

Love this video and the song. The song would be great for the video we thought. We could have fast and slow elements.

Halston AW09 collection video.

Just found this video while on youtube. Love the slowness and the movement of the dress as she runs. really effective.



Weve come up with the idea of using woods as the main setting of the video.
Were off to formby for the afternoon..

Weve decided that the woods would represent the natural side of the film.. therefore representing anatomy. Which is obviously natural also.

Also the interwining and the twisting and knotting of the plants and trees also represent the muscles and nerves etc of the human body..
were basically taking the concept of the human body etc and making it into our own ideas.

Were also going to have studio shots.. again making this into a contrast with the wood shots. Because the studio will be clinical like and then going back to the clinical side of anatomy.

So far.

Okay.. So il fill you up to date.. because Ive been working in my sketchbook and not so much writing on here.. 
basically weve come up with a few ideas for the location, themes etc. 

Hair ideas.

Slicked back grunge style hair.

Messy buns.

Ideas for makeup.

The theme is going to be a contrast between two personalitys. And we want the model still to look dark and crackheady because of the skeletal theme. but also not too much makeup. This look will work well.

Skeletal Images

Thiery Mugler.

Thiery Mugler and lady gaga. Love the wind and the darkness of it. And who knew a skeleton man would be so sexy.

Bone and Flesh.

Daria Werbowy by Mikael Jansson for Vogue Paris 2011 Calendar.
I want to do some shots of the human body, and look into bone and flesh combo. 
I really like the movement and the lighting from the this editorial. Something we could incorporate. Its still feminine but also eery.. ghost like.. with the movement of the clothes and the soft lighting.
We could make the clothes look skeletal..



Im still not really sure whats going on with the project. Ive got a few ideas.. but I think me and poppy sort of need to work together now.. and come up with ideas together for the video.
the next stop is the VIDEO really.. and putting together ideas for it. Should be interesting.
Ive also had a play with my housemate deborah.. and had a go at ideas with lighting. So il throw one of the short clips up. 
It means I can have a little practise on final cut aswell.. and remember how to use it.

Some Sketchy.

So after yesterday.. ive done a few mood boards , well sort of mood boards just like lots of images. The first one is just on anatomy and old school drawings.. which have inspired her.
The artists ive looked at further down.

but il just put up my sketchy work anyways.



TUNE. Getting me motivated. Also good song for the video maybe?

Lee Klabin

Doll House from Lee Klabin on Vimeo.

I find this sort of similar to the photoshoot down below.. similar spooky models.
Like the movement of the video and the darkness of it.


More of an editorial inspired photoshoot. but still looks skeleton like. Ideas for makeup etc.


Plan of Action :

Try some ideas out with my camera..eg lighting techniques etc to see how lights work.
Try some photographs of lighting too.. making skeletal type images. Bulk up work also.
Do a few mood boards to get a vibe and some more inspiration.
- do on anatomy.

Get more video ideas. Practise with filming..

  ARRRGH stressing.

Ideas of showing the video.

Ive also been thinking about how to show case the video.
I dont want to just have it displayed on a white wall. Im thinking more of an istallation piece.
Where people can interact with the video.
Im thinking maybe making a sort of skeletal body type sculpture. And then showing the film on that?
where people can get inside or walk around it.
Also maybe have the similar properties of the body.. or have movement like Lauras collection does. Blows in the wind etc. 
Also have hard and soft elements like her work. But this is like an after thought at the moment need to focus on the video and then the instillation should hopefully come to me through ideas from the video.
Fingers crossed.

Black material from Lucy McRae

This video has given me some ideas for covering the face etc. and using lots of layering and fast images.
I think a video like this would be really good for our theme..
i need to have a play on final cut.. and after effects. but would be cool to do alot of things after the filming.. you can get some crazy effects.
I like the use of lighting.. you cant really see whats going on.. but theres a silhoutte.


The link to an awesome video. 
Director James Oakley’s new short for VPL by Victoria Bartlett
the brand that spearheaded the underwear-as-outerwear trend and quickly evolved into a fiercely chic ready-to-wear line—mixes sci-fi and horror into an eerie, mind-bending tale of alter-egos recalling 60s psychedelic classic Performance. Oakley paired mercurial brunette Eleanor Friedberger (one half of brother-sister indie duo The Fiery Furnaces) against the more maniacal blonde model Natasa Vojnovic, shooting the two flitting in and around a deserted old barn in upstate New York. The film's gothic elements are highlighted by the steel colors of the VPL fall/winter collection and by a frenzied, dreamlike soundtrack from The Fiery Furnaces. “I took a bunch of friends up to my house in the Catskills, and we had a weekend of debauchery and made a film,” deadpans Oakley, who directed Lena Olin and Rosamund Pike in his dark feature debut Devil You Know last year. He cites 70s Hammer House of Horror movies and a touch of Stalker-era Tarkovsky as inspirations for Her/She, while Bartlett attributes the alchemy onscreen to the actresses’ opposing personalities. “Natasa is high-energy—she’s really like a ball of fire,” the designer says. “Whereas Eleanor is very pensive about everything. She never has extreme highs or lows, so they just bounced off each other.”

Victoria Barlett

Victoria Barlett

 Her underwear designs. Based on the anatomical drawings of the human body.


YSL campaign based on Da Vinci

Matthew Ames

Matthew Ames.    

The collection shows an exploration into the shapes and lines of the body.

Anatomy Inspired Fashion.

So far I havent looked so much at anatomy inspired fashion.
So here we go. To see how other designers interprate the human body.
Johnathon Waiter
Riccardo Tisci's latest couture collection for Givenchy. 

Vilsbøl de Arce

Helen  Eckersley

A weird drawing of veins i think. I just like it.

MRI scans.

When I was researching just anatomy on good old google. 
MRI scans came up.. I liked the movement of the scan..
then this an artists representation of one. I really enjoyed this too.

Flesh and Bone.

I had an idea of looking into flesh and bone.. as one idea.
But then adapt it into different things. for example.. have flashes like on the XX vcr video..of things that relate to flesh and bone.
Like a cushion on a pavement etc. Something soft and then something hard. Again a contrast.

So maybe have a look into the properties of skin and bone?!?

The XX- VCR. Marcus Sonderland.

Not only do I love this song.. but also the black and white colour.. and the little story to the video.
Maybe I could incorporate a story?
The flashes of images of the room I really like aswell.. it sort of sets the story and the scene.

Alexander Wang Fall 2010 campaign video.

I ABSOLUTLY LOVE THIS FILM. This is alexander wangs fall 2010 campaign video.
I love the vibe.. and it captures his collection perfectly. The dark and laidback feel of his clothes. 
The split screen is really effective.. and the slow pace and then speeded up pace. I really like the flashes too it absorbs you into the video.

Craig Mcdean Versace video.

Again I really like the lighting.. and the intensity of the colours. The flashes also add to the effect and make it abit more dark. And also everyone loves abit of a wind machine.

Kate Moss for Topshop Spring/Summer 2010 Collection Preview

I love this video. Firstly it's Kate Moss. Secondly just how simple and effective it is. And thirdly the lighting.
I love the lighting and how it again distorts the figure.. sort of like the Nick Knight one.
I know this is a video for summer therefore the music is light and bubbly..but this effect could be used to make a more dark and deep video. 

But then again it might be nice to have a contrast of the lights and make it bright.. but then have dark music. Just an idea.

Mcqueen and Nick Knight.

This a video made by Nick Knight. A Mcqueen tribute.
 I just loved the effects and the blurryness of the video. And thought how to distort the model and make her look skeletal etc. Also the lighting is dramatic and effective.. and the whole video is sort of eery..Theres also alot of movement which can show the fabric of Lauras collection.
I also love the song Bjork is one crazy mofo.. and its just so dramatic.
Danny told me to look at shadedview.com, testmag.com, and promo news.
These are where all the latest vids etc come out.. and where people from the industry have a gander.

Video Inspiration.

because were going to do a video..
and im not too familiar with videos and short films.. its just become a recent passion really.
So im going to just wack out loads of vids that ive been looking at and enjoy.
And have given me some ideas etc.
There not really relevant to the theme of our project but theres elements i can take from it.
Im not really sure where to go with this at the moment..
Ive got too many ideas flowing through my brain.
But im feeling that if I can focus on like one word.. Anatomy. Because that is her basic theme.
So go off that.
Im really keen on doing something related to the contrast of her work..because everything im sort of seeing is a contrast. This could be with lighting..visuals etc. Im not really sure yet.

We are also doing a VIDEO. Its going to be a short film/ campaign video. To show her themes etc and some of her clothes.

Karl Blossfelidt, Andres Versalius and Bernard Siegrfried.

Laura has also looked alot into old images of anatomy drawings. There really dark and a little scary.
The images show alot of death aswell as showing the body. So again a contrast between death and life.
Some of them are grim.. and freak me out a little. Theres a lot of skeletons about.

Karl Blossfelidt, Andres Versalius and Bernard Siegrfried are the main artists she has looked at.
Okay.. so my first point of call.. 
Me and poppy are working together.. thought a collaboration of our skills would make our work awesome. 
We want to work with one of our own 3rd year fashion designers.
We thought by doing this we would have a fresh plate with them and can just basically do whatever we want.
Noone would of done anything with them.. so its ours to play with.
We have picked a girl called Laura Latham. Her work is really cool. I wasnt sure if i would like it at first because its sort of the opposite to me and what I like. She's really girly. But its a really great contrast.. between feminine and dark themes. 
She has looked into ANATOMY and the human body.. shes combined a contrast between the two. So she has elements of hard and soft fabrics representing flesh and bone. Which I really liked. 
She's used alot of fabric manipulation.. twists and wrapping etc. from looking at the muscles and how they intertwine.
The colours shes used are also based on the body, shes used nude colours but also wanted to brighten it up abit from the nude and has used purples and raspberry colours but these have come from bruises etc from the skin.
Her work is basically a massive contrast. Firstly from her personality..which is girly and feminine and then from the body.. the fabrics she has used and the themes.



Ok. So Ive not been on here in a while. Due to how shit my internet is at home. 
Im now doing my second year final major project.
And because Im so rubbish with sketch books.. im going to wack it out on my blog. Hopefully the lack of fastness of the internet at home isnt going to effect my blogging, but il give it a bash.
Im just going to put anything and everything i like on here. So it will be images.. videos etc. Anything I see.. feel and just chat on about really.
A virtual sketchbook.