
Home Sweet Home

Has arrived back into England. Pictures on the way very soon. 


Cloud Cloud Go Away.

The sun came and went.. The only day out of 8 that I have been able to get my dotty 50's style bikini on.. and it lasts for a couple of hours. I want to TAN. I need to come back with something not just less money. Damn you weather.
On a brighter nite it should be warmer tomorrow and Paris still looks amazing yey.
Anyway i need to stop winging about the weather.
There is a lack of pictures atm because I did not bring the cable to put my pictures onto the computer. Devoed.


Wish I was in London Tawnn

I wish I went to Uni in London. I do love liverpool, but my course is rubbish. & i want to be in the centre of everything. Hmm decisions. I should of gone with my instinct and gone to London Town. LCF looks fab.


John Lewis bag on Vogue. My stylish work place.

Look what I have just spotted on Vogue blog.

I never thought I would see A John Lewis bag on Vogue- Woo J.L. -  I work there by the way. Stylish.

Portraits by Rankin.

Rankin has published a new book. Portraits. I adore Rankin.. his pictures are just amazing..His new book is just portraits and many are our loved celebritys and models. Eeks. Hopefully Il get time to get to see the exhibition at Annroy gallery.

"Portraiture has always been a central aspect of my work. I love connecting with people, working with them to get not only a great photograph, but one that captures a little bit of who they are." RANKIN

Three of  my Favs

On my travels- World wide trip here I come.

The weather is still CRAP. why wont you leave clouds.
but on the other hand Paris looks like it will be beautiful. YEY.

I have also decided that this time next year I will be in Asia or Oz somewhere. Me and my friend are going on our travels.
A world wide trip. I cant wait.
So I will have to be a social recluse so I can save. Which is very hard for me..
But look at where I will be sat this time next year.. who can complain..


Mark Fast for Topshop

His collection. Nice too see real model used. Amen to that sister. Pass me the chips.
Mark Fast's new range for topshop. Abit of knitwear you cant go wrong. I adore knitwear. He's used his trademark laddering in most designs. FAB. I for one love abit of grunge knitwear. Shabby Chiq. I'll be first in line. Hits stores 7th July.

Emeralds for Elephants

Lovely Lily Cole Lily Cole models the Autore necklace and Dominic Jones ring. It includes a Zambian emerald from ethical company Gemfields and is supporting World Land Trust's Indian Elephant Corridor Project with a percentage of each sale going towards the project. Other designers include  Shaun Leane, Theo Fennell, Dominic Jones, Gem Palace, Sevan Bicakci, Alessio Boschi, J.W. Currens and Francic Mertens will be on show until June 23 when the will be auctioned by Sotheby's at Selfridges.
Save the elephants. Damn right.

Pilates Power

I tried my first pilates class today. Its going to hurt tomorrow. Iv realised im soo unflexible. But im going to keep it up and get nice and toned. Six pack here I come haha.


Ice cream Hair. Delicious.

I want want her hair. Ice cream shades. Very in season. mmm 

Jamie Nelson - Carrot heads.

Fabolous images. Inspiration. Im thinking I should go red.

Twin Power

Jamie Neslon adore him. Reminds me of me and my sister. Being twins and all.
Twin Models Alice and Andreia Contreiras
Art Director: Danielle Von Braun


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A little about me.

My parents taught me : Everything, apart from my creativeness, I think I found that on my own.

I was given three gifts at birth: My twin sister, no sence of time and creativness.

It's important for me: To try and not winge because people say I do it to often. & to have music. Everyone needs music.

My mother told me: Listen

Style in three words: Effortless, Cool & Presence

My size: My waist is small but everything else to me seems massive. Im sure I have some sort of body dismorphier. But dont most women?!

You may not know this: I HATE daddylonglegs and moths.

My philosophy is: Live for the moment

Man Perfume

Marc Jacobs has a go for his new first men's fragrance - BANG
Hitting stores 30th July. I'll definatley be there to try it out.
Photographed by Juergen Teller his usual campaign photographer. Why would you go with anyone else.

Matthew Borthwick

POP Fall Winter 09/10 issue. Very summer loving.
Fabulous photographer. I love how he captures moments & how some are UN-posed.
I adore the colours and lighting of the 3rd-5th photographs.. they just look magical.
Overexposed or underexposed photographs are always my favourite.
I'd choose fantasy over reality any day.
"Dress shabily and they remember the dress, dress impeccably and they remember the women"
Coco Chanel

Mr Wang

I absolutley love ALEXANDER WANG. He is definatley one of my favourite designers.
He's my style all over ' A t-shirt you can sleep in and then wear it all the next day' Effortlessly cool. A nice bit of grunge.
I love baggy, comforable and oversized clothes..that you can just mix and match. The simplicity and grungy colours are just what I want.
LOOKBOOK SPRING 2010 - Favourite collection.
The model is Hannah Holman and shot by Daniel Jackson.

 Look at the rest of the lookbook on

& Hello Marc Jacobs

Oh I almost forgot.. Look what I bought at the airport Marc by Marc Jacobs

Totally Turnlock Key Pouch Ive wanted a little purse for holidays and to take out with me. Perfect.

The holiday started early.. I just couldnt resist. Eeks. & it was a bargin. Well kinda. Ive convinced myself it was. Mergh but owell I LOVE IT.
Next stop a handbag.

Hallo Switzerland

I am now Switzerland bound. & its true the weather is awful. Nice and rainy gutted.
Ive had a very early wakeup call this morning 6am to be precise thanks to my lovely cousin the take her to school. I definatley do not miss early morning school time. YAWN. 
Today is just a chill day..a nice nap on the sofa and then maybe a walk into the small town later. Tomorrow is when were hitting the shops. Yey.
And I survived the plane journey. Always a bonus.


Sophisticated Fetish

I adore these pictures.  Txema Yestejoins joins with stylist Alberto Murtra to turn Masha Novoselova into a very sexy fetish loving women. These are in the 19th issue of Tush magazine. I want.
Factory311.Love you.Thanks to you.

Polariod Return

Ive just been reading.. that polaroid film is returning.The factory that used to create the polaroids in the Netherlands, are inventing new ones, the former Polaroid employee AndrĂ© Bosman and instant film fanatic Florian Kaps decided to save the last Polaroid production factory for Integral Instant Film. YEY. I love my polaroid but I cant get anymore. Let the fun begin again.
I cant wait to see my little cousin. Bless her. Its been too long. She's so much banter..YEY. Not long now. :)

Dutton Love

Shout out to Dutton. Love youuuuuuuuu fellow triplet.
Miss you dearly.


ARGHHH im getting scared of flying. I hate it. Why cant we just transport there. damnn. 
Wish me luck.
Bed time Night Night
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Au Revoir

I will shortly be departing to Switzerland. Goodbye England. Unfortunatley the weather looks awful. Nice and rainy. The rain seems to follow me around. But I'll get to see the family so whatever the weather.
And then..
It will be
three days of pure joy.
It will consist of parisian style & food. What more can I ask for.
Expect lots of pictures and clothes. eeks.

Lazy Summer Days

Some of my favourite people. Lazy Summer Days.

Coach House.

Getting very lomo happy.

Even more fantastic news..I have now robbed my sisters iphone. Which I now want :(. because you can get a lomography camera as an app. Its so awsome. You can get so many different lenses etc. & do so many things on it. & you can see it straight away. Ive got VERY happy with it. Expect more pictures.

Lomography Joys

How awesome is Lomography. I LOVE THEM. I bought a diana lomography camera a while ago.. but havent really used it. It’s hard to use. but luckily my grandad is a genius and taught me how to use it. Thank God I have him.

But ive wipped it out again, I just love how you dont know what your going to get..its all a suprise. but even if it goes wrong they still look cool. Which is always good.

Why Hello.

This is my first blog. Lets give it a go.